Dream catcher keychain and pendants with colors

88 EGP


About this item

  • Dream catcher keychain and pendants with colors
  • Style: Casual
  • Is customizable: False
  • Style: Casual
  • Mounting type: Hanging
  • Scent: Unscented



  • Design: Features a miniature dream catcher design, traditionally crafted with a circular hoop adorned with feathers and beads.
  • Colors: Available in a variety of colors, each representing different meanings and themes such as peace, love, or nature.
  • Materials: Made from durable materials like metal, feathers, and beads, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and longevity.
  • Keychain Functionality: Includes a keyring attachment for easy use as a keychain or bag charm.
  • Pendants: Can also be used as decorative pendants for necklaces, bracelets, or as ornaments.
  • Symbolism: Symbolizes protection and positivity, believed to filter out negative energies and bring positive dreams and vibes.

Our Dream Catcher Keychain and Pendants combine cultural heritage with contemporary style, making them perfect gifts or personal accessories to carry positive energy wherever you go.

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